Families on the frontlines: th
Extreme weather is hitting with unprecedented force, uprooti
Extreme weather is hitting with unprecedented force, uprooti
Deep sea mining frontrunner fails again to get immunity agai
One year after delivering the UAE Consensus calling for a tr
Making the oil and gas industry pay for climate impacts is r
A new Greenpeace International report presents compelling ev
Greenpeace congratulates Nihon Hidankyo, the Japanese Confed
A report by World Weather Attribution links the historic sto
Amsterdam, Netherlands – The latest UNEP Emissions Gap Repor
Over 350 businesses globally have signed an open letter urgi
Cali, Colombia – As COP16 resumes talks for a second week, r
The Amazon, the Congo Basin and the Southeast Asian rainfore
Madagascar, an island nation known for its rich biodiversity
The story of wildlife photographer Luo Xiaoyun and the myste
This fall marks a pivotal moment for the future of nature co
The latest edition of the Living Planet Report, which measur
There is no viable global solution to the climate crisis wit
Climate change has been identified as the major culprit behi
The Arctic’s average temperature has already risen at a rate
On the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains lies a vast and
Studying the strong links between our warming planet and ext
While Europeans expect a continuation of the Biden administr
Google's CEO Sundar Pichai recently stated that the company